The Joys of Urban Parenting

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yesterday J and I went to the Zoo. It seemed an appropriate fall transition, somehow, after a summer spent painting, watching, catching and swimming with fishies to turn now to more terrestrial creatures.

And really, this transition began a few weeks ago, on Cape Cod, where J had his first horse ride. Yesterday we fed goats and ducks and horses and llamas, and talked about farm life, and how the harvest time was near.

But really what J wanted to see was the Lion (who was sound asleep! on his back!), and I realized we’ve been reading the “Lion Book” and awful lot lately (God, I miss Cookie magazine, which turned me on to that gorgeous book-- I bought it for J's first Christmas, and while he's only now getting around to enjoying it, it's gotten a lot of love from me). When we got home, J asked me to draw Lions with the “big chalks” and we did... and I wondered if he learned this from me, the extending the book as far as it will go, or if I had learned it from him?

Regardless, I’m glad we have both an aquarium and a zoo to help make these books come to life.

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