The Pursuit of Beauty

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yesterday, J and I went to the Maira Kalman exhibit that's in town. I really love the CJM, they have incredible kids' arts programming-- we saw a fantastic Maurice Sendak exhibit there last fall.

I've always enjoyed Maira Kalman's New Yorker covers, and I loved the Pursuit of Happiness blog. But I never realized what a conceptual artist she was-- really, a design thinker-- before this exhibit. A documentarian. It made me appreciate her casual yet closely observed style that much more. So inspirational.

These were my favorites:

(embroidered with the first lines of the inferno)

(I love how this echoed, and answered, I suppose, her 9/11 image)

And J's:

But most of all he loved this

I can never underestimate is interest in and capacity for music. Also, he thinks the singer is the same woman as the "orange lady".  Maybe?

Pink dress: Julie Saul Gallery. Butter & Eggs; Helicopter: New York Times. All other Maira Kalman images from CJM

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