In Gratitude

Thursday, December 9, 2010

When I (wincingly) eased back into the first moon pose, the first day  I was back from vacation, I thought "I don't really like to go on Vacation." Oh sure, I'd had a good-- even great time-- but I missed my Bikram, my Farmer's Market, my routines. I was reminded of the dying banker who had no bucket list, he said, for he had lived  a balanced life. Know that  I was blissfully content in my life, perhaps I didn't need a vacation.

But the next day, when  I was cranky and tired, I remembered the restfulness of the vacation, and smiled. When I had no time to read for two days, happily busy, it pleased me to think of the three books I had read.  And even yesterday, when I looked at some photos, I remembered, and was gladdened.  There is a time and a place for the Bikram, and there is a time and a place for freezing in a yurt, eating the best steak dinner ever, and, in California, there is always a time and a place for a walk along the water. Vacation doesn't have to be a get away, sometimes it can just be different.

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